Monday, October 15, 2007

Different types of communication styles

October 15, 2007.

Different types of Communication style

Basically in the current business environment, there are importance of communication styles. There are four types of communication styles present in day-to-day business life. When it comes to professional business communication, you will be able to better understand your own communication style and improve your business relations. Moreover, you will identify various communication types in other people and be able to better communicate with them by adapting and / or modifying your own communication style.
What Type Of Communicator Type Are You:
People have different communication styles in today's busy world of business. Some people like to start off approaches with 'small talk', establishing rapport, and just getting to know you. Still others, those who are high level multi taskers, enjoy getting right down to business. They will provide a logical and sequential flow plan with supporting arguments and evidence. Then, there are the people who use communication to get straight to the point. You know the type. The ones in business who've already made up their mind and yours too.
Four types of communication styles according to business:
There are four important types of communication styles according to the business situations in the current situations all around the world. They are as follows:
· The Feeler.
· The Logic Thinker.
· Mr.Multitask.
· The Planner.

1) The Feeler:
The Feeler communication type is what you'll find in the younger generation crowd. The new employees just getting their feet wet and trying to strike gold in the minds of the big bosses with innovative ideas. The only problem is, these office pioneers might strike out too many times with their proposals and end up on a silver platter.The emotional Feeler type of communication can be for some the easiest to adapt to.
They are also known as the Office Pioneer. The Feeler will be most persuaded not by logic, but by the emotional impact that they receive with interpersonal communication. The Feeler is sold with emotion, and will justify their purchase decision with logic. They focus on how you respond and how others react. The Feeler pays big attention to non verbal communication.
2) The Logical Thinker:
A Logical Thinker communication style is pretty obvious. These are the types of men and women strutting around the office. They are also the most admired type of thinker. Often, they are the managers and key decision makers in your office. They believe the most effective communication style will be presented in a logical manner with supporting documents. The Logical Thinker will seek approval for a set of ideas from his or her peers.
They are also known as Boss of the company. Feelings and personal opinions matter little to the brute Logical Thinker. They are looking for the truth in their frame of mind. They want to know the cold hard facts and never rely on gut feelings.
3) Mr.Multitask:
Mr.Multitask is generally called as the Office Juggler. The office juggler will more than likely drop a few balls or flying torches on your feet every once and awhile. They are the type of communicator who takes pride in being able to do as many things as once. The multi-tasker is the first one in a meeting to sprout a proposal to an emergency.

4) The Planner:
A planner will develop an indetifiable and reachable plan. The planner will help a business by increasing productivity and enabling proper resource allocation. Planners need charts, models, patterns, plans, and dates to be communicated with effectively.
Four types of communication styles according to Personality:
our personality types tend to fall into a maximum of 16 types. The most common and easiest to remember breakdown is of four personality types. They are as follows:
· Controller.
· Promoter.
· Supporter.
· Analyst.
1) Controller:
Controllers are also known as Drivers seldom listen to others around them, focusing on the task at hand. Only need to know what, usually can figure out how and why. They have the personality traits like:
· Accomplishment oriented.
· Assertive.
· Control oriented.
· Type A personality.
· Hard working.
· High energy.
· Innovative.
2) Promoter:
Promoters tend to not like isolation and will tend to vie for attention. Tend to exaggerate and or leave out facts and details. They have some personality traits like:
· Artistic.
· Creative.
· Communicators.
· Dreamers.
· Motivators.
3) Supporter:
Supporters tend to yield rather than deal with a possible confrontation. Have the ability to blend into any situation well. May appear wishy-washy at times. Difficulty with making firm decisions. Many are music, poetry, and art lovers. They have some personality traits such as:
· Followers.
· Good listeners.
· Highly sensitive.
· Insecure and likes reassurance.
· Kind-hearted.
4) Analyst:
Analyst will tend to withdraw themselves and quietly gather information rather than make a quick decision. They can have a difficult time making decisions without all the facts. Make great accountants and engineers. They may have tendencies toward being highly critical. They are having some traits like:
· Cautious.
· Conservative.
· Detail oriented.
· Follows directions.
· Logical.
Put Communication Style to Work:
To establish rapport with the different personality styles requires matching the communication style with the personality.
1. Determine the tendency of your own personality.
2. Determine what the personality style of those being spoken to.
3. Increase or decrease the communication style qualities within your speech to match those being spoken to.

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